Standard 11

Standard #11 Technology Standards for Teachers – (NETS-T*):

Effective teachers model and apply the National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S**) as they design, implement, and assess learning experiences to engage students and improve learning; enrich professional practice; and provide positive models for students, colleagues, and the community. Please see the following ISTE Standards Teachers and ISTE Standards Students pages. *Now known as ISTE Standards Teachers **Now known as ISTE Standards Students

Mission Statement

Artifact 1: 3D Printing Shark Tank

Description of Artifact: This artifact involves a made-up lesson plan I created on how to incorporate 3D printing into the classroom. I have listed out the steps the students with go through in the lesson. This assignment then called for a description of how this project connects to 21st century learning (critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity).

Reflection: This artifact supports to Standard 11 because if the lesson is successful, it should follow the ITSE. Teachers design, implement, and can use this lesson as a summative or even a formative assessment to engage students in 21st century learning experiences.

Artifact 2: Differentiated Deeper Dive

Description of Artifact: This artifact involves a made-up lesson plan I created on how to incorporate differentiation with technology into the classroom. For this lesson, I chose to use digital storytelling as an example of how to include differentiation in a Kindergarten classroom. I listed out the steps it would take for the kids to complete the lesson and then described how digital storytelling in a Kindergarten classroom would support student engagement, enhancement and extension.

Reflection: This artifact supports Standard 11 because again, it follows the ISTE. Digital storytelling would be a perfect way to engage students in their learning while also assessing their growth either in a summative or formative manner.
